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The State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction announced the issuance of the 500th loan under the unique program “Housing for IDPs”.

The SFYH and the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories implement the program. The German government finances it at the expense of grant funds provided through the KfW Reconstruction Credit Institution.

The anniversary (500th) loan recipients were the Hribachovykh family. After the occupation of Crimea by russia, having moved from Sevastopol to the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities, the family lived in rented housing, which had to be changed from time to time. Then, in February 2022, the village of Demydiv, Vyshgorod district, Kyiv region, where the family lived at the time, was occupied by an aggressor. Fortunately, in a few weeks, the Ukrainian army liberated these territories. After that, the Hribachovykh family moved to Kyiv. So, for them, especially their two children, having their own roof over their heads was necessary.

A father, Yevhen Hribachovykh, managed an organization in Sevastopol and now works at the municipal enterprise “Kyyivskyy miskyy budynok pryrody”. Anna, a mother, is a psychologist. Two sons are growing up in the family: 10-year-old Mark is a 4th-grader, and 6-year-old Heorhiy is a first-grader.

Luckily, the Hribachovykh family received an opportunity to purchase an apartment in Kyiv at the most favorable terms in the country, at 3 percent per annum, based on the results of one of the independent random draws conducted by the SFYH.

In a few days, the SFYH and its project partners will determine the date of the following 14th selection of participants for this program. Meanwhile, the SFYH has already initiated a count of the 600 mortgage loans issued under the aforementioned program.


The “Housing for IDPs” program was launched in July 2021. However, its implementation was suspended with the beginning of russian military aggression and resumed in August of this year.

More than 30,000 applications from IDPs have been registered in the Register of Candidates for soft mortgage loans.

Loans are granted for up to 30 years at 3 percent per annum, based on the common housing area of 52.5 square meters of total space per person or family of two and an additional 21 sq. m for each subsequent family member.

Lending objects (e.g., apartments, houses, etc.) can be chosen only on the secondary housing market. Furthermore, these objects must have been commissioned no longer than 50 years ago or reconstructed no longer than 35 years ago.

In particular, citizens who have housing on the territory of communities where hostilities are ongoing or under occupation or encirclement can participate in the program. The decree of the Ministry of Reintegration of Temporarily Occupied Territories approved the list of such communities.

One can register to participate in the program through the “Diia” public services e-portal or in the regional offices of State Youth Housing.