The State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction Is a Service for People Aimed at Facilitating Provision of the Ukrainians with Housing
Round table “Criteria of socio-economical vulnerability in Ukraine and assessment tools” was held in the Ukrainian office of UNHCR.
It was organized by UNHCR in partnership with the State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction. Representatives of the central executive authorities – of ministries, agencies and of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine took part in the event.
This activity is referred to the Communications’ Strategy for general assessment of the social vulnerabilities, encircling housing sector. It was aimed at the exchange of information on criteria of definition of social and economic vulnerabilities of the Ukrainian citizens existing in the national legal field, tools and ways to improve them and on the study of the possibility of systematizing, anticipated results of the reforms in the social services domain etc.
The exchange of information in the format of a discussion was moderated by Igor Chantefort, UNHCR Senior Development Advisor, and Serhii Komnatnyi, Chairman of the Fund’s Board.
A discussion took place dedicated to the definition of social-economical vulnerability of a citizen, the possibility of harmonization of the national legislation, consideration of joint approaches and drafting of further measures’ plan of authorities directed at complex satisfaction of the Ukrainians’ needs for social services.
The head of the State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction dwelled upon the provision of citizens with housing as a component of social policy. He informed about the state and local housing programmes being administered by the Fund having dwelled upon the peculiarities of their implementation under conditions of limited funding. Serhii Komnatnyi also told about the initiatives of the State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction concerning the regulation of rental and social housing in Ukraine that were transmitted for consideration to the central executive authorities.
Igor Chantefort mentioned, in his turn, that the meeting was aimed at getting comprehensive understanding of different approaches of the Ukrainian authorities towards the implementation of the state policy in social sphere.
UNHCR analyzed the efficiency of the Affordable Housing programme (its so called 50/50 component) directed at the support of IDPs and ATO veterans for them to realize their right to their own housing. Mr. Chantefort mentioned that the obtained results of the questionnaire of the programme’s participants (99% of respondents expressed trust to the State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction) prove its unconditional importance for the Ukrainian citizens. Besides, this is just one component, albeit being very necessary, of the protection of the Ukrainians’ social rights that has to be implemented as a coherent system in our state. Quantitative assessment of the Ukrainians’ need for different social services has to be an important step for setting such a system.
Serhii Komnatnyi stressed that the State Fund for Support of Youth Housing Construction is a service for the citizens, first of all, the task of which is to provide real possibilities to people to solve their housing issue. The success of this issue depends on the change of philosophy of approaches of the state towards the implementation of housing policy.
The leader of the Fund dwelled upon the cooperation of Ukraine with the European institutions separately, in particular, on the PACE recommendation to Ukraine to join the CEB. Positive experience of Europe’s countries shows that the membership of our state in the CEB will open possibilities for the attraction of extra budgetary funds for solving of social issues of the Ukrainian citizens.
As a result of the communication central executive authorities will provide their proposals regarding the continuation of the work over the mentioned issues in practical terms.